Learn More About 

St. Vincent de Paul Karate Club

(316) 644-9351          [email protected]          123 N Andover Rd   Andover KS 67002

Alternate SVDP Karate Club Logo

St. Vincent de Paul Karate Club focuses on teaching students a solid martial arts fighting platform by developing their speed, power, footwork and proper use of hands, feet, elbows and knees. They will learn how to fight standing up, in a clinch and on the ground. Our goal is to give students the skills they will need to defend themselves. 

Our classes are held at St. Vincent de Paul Church     

123 N Andover Rd     Andover KS 67002

Why only $10 per month?

I started the SVDP Karate Club in 2011, not as a business, but rather as a way of giving back some of my time and talent to St. Vincent de Paul Church, the community and the martial arts. I wanted to keep dues as low as possible and it was Fr Kent Hemberger, the pastor of St. Vincent de Paul Church, who made this possible. Fr Kent provides us with a practice space and support from office and maintenance staff. Therefore, we have been able to keep our dues at $10 per month even as we start our 9th year.

Stan Kuhn-Head Instructor

Challenge Martial Arts Logo

The St. Vincent de Paul Karate Club is associated with Challenge Martial Arts Academy, a school owned by head instructor, Stan Kuhn. Students of St. Vincent de Paul Karate Club receive their certificates of rank and belt promotions through Challenge Martial Arts Academy. 


Challenge Martial Arts Academy is a charter school member of the National College of Martial Arts, and students of St. Vincent de Paul Karate Club hold membership in this prestigious organization. The NCMA is headed by Hanshi Lou Angel of Joplin, MO who is also the founder of Tenshi Goju Kai karate. The NCMA was established to provide advice, support and recognition to individual students, instructors and schools while allowing each to function in an atmosphere of martial arts independence.   

National College of Martial Arts